Overnight Voucher


Accommodation voucher redeemable in every CPH partner hotel

Shipping Information

The voucher will be emailed to the person receiving the gift as a PDF file. As the customer, you will receive a copy.

Shipping date

When should the voucher be sent? Today or another day. Please select the date in the calendar.

Name/email of the person to be gifted

Please enter the name of the person to be given the gift, i.e. the recipient of the voucher, and their email address

Your information as a client

Please enter your name and under Message your personal information for the person to be gifted. This text will be transferred to the voucher - you can also see this in the preview at the top left

Terms and conditions when purchasing a gift voucher

The gift voucher is valid for 3 years from the date of purchase, after which it expires without replacement. The gift voucher cannot be redeemed in partial amounts or partial services. No cash payment of the voucher value is possible. The voucher can also be used for higher values/services, in which case the redeemer will be charged the difference. In the event of loss of the voucher, neither CPH Hotelmarketing GmbH nor the individual hotel are obliged to provide compensation.
SKU: OV-CPH Category: